Current Research in Hurricane Disturbed Forests webinar

October 7, 2024 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
University of Arkansas Monticello

With the damage from Hurricane Helena so obvious in the Southeast and Appalachians, a series of webinars will explore different aspects of hurricanes and forestry.

The University of Arkansas at Monticello will hold a Current Research in Hurricane Disturbed Forests webinar on October 7th from Noon to 1 pm.

In this webinar, experts from silviculture, economics, and geospatial disciplines will discuss results from recent research exploring the dynamics of hurricane-impacted forests. These include how stand and tree characteristics influence damage severity after a catastrophic hurricane disturbance, how those characteristics interact with silvicultural regimes, as well as new tools that will aid decision-makers with damage assessment and salvage efforts.

Participants include:

  • Dr. Christine Cairns Fortuin – Mississippi State University
  • Dr. Robert Chastain – RedCastle Resources
  • Dr. Bruno Kanieski da Silva – University of Georgia
  • Dr. Adam Polinko – Mississippi State University
  • Dr. Shaun Tanger – University of Arkansas at Monticello

To take part in this webinar, go to  Current Research in Hurricane Disturbed Forests — The Webinar Portal (

This webinar is the first of two webinars. The second webinar, Future Research Directions and Needs for Hurricane Disturbed Forests, will discuss challenges and opportunities present in this important area of study and answer questions from the audience. The second webinar is scheduled for October 21, 2024, at noon Eastern