The Least Cost Path to a Positive Energy Future webinar

April 19, 2021 @ 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm
Building & Construction Technology Program, UMass Amherst

The Building & Construction Technology Program at UMass Amherst will hold a The Least Cost Path to a Positive Energy Future webinar on April 19th at 4 p.m.

Bill Maclay from Maclay Architects will share a tested and proven financial methodology, which demonstrates that positive energy buildings are typically the least cost option on a cash flow basis when compared to fossil fuel code buildings. These projects also accrue long term financial, social equity, ecological, and health benefits.

Maclay Architects has developed and successfully used this process for over 12 years to assist owners in evaluating financial performance of positive energy buildings.

Commercial, institutional, and nonprofit and other residential case studies will illustrate the detailed and interwoven financial/energy analysis process, metrics, and templates used to guide positive energy projects from initiation to completion. This includes the design and financial analysis of a net positive energy, plus carbon storing, single family home design that meets the current need for cost effective operational and embodied energy buildings and design.

To take part in this program, go to

This program is free and open to the public. AIA & USGBCI CES credits are available.