Apple Tree Pruning and Maintenance Webinar

March 7, 2024 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Vermont Land Trust

Do you have apple trees on your property? Are you wondering the best way to prune your apple trees for health and productivity?

Vermont Land Trust will hold an Apple Tree Pruning and Maintenance Webinar on Wednesday, March 7th from 5 to 6 pm.

This webinar by Vermont forester & Tree Farmer Dave Wilcox will cover the basics of apple tree pruning, including when to prune, how to make a proper pruning cuts, and strategies to for selecting which branches to prioritize for removal.

He will also discuss how to address competition within the tree and from other plants that grow around the tree.

Vermont Land Trust is holding a two-part series on the best practices of pruning and maintaining apple trees.  A follow up hands-on workshop will be held in Tunbridge, VT on March 9th.

To take part in this webinar, register at Meeting Registration – Zoom