Who We AreContact Us

About Us

We are the Massachusetts Statewide Wood Energy Team. This project is coordinated by the Massachusetts Forest Alliance and funded through a grant from the USDA Forest Service. Our primary goal is to increase the number of modern wood heat installations in Massachusetts by providing information and assistance to interested parties.


What We Offer

We offer accurate information and education to interested communities, individuals, and businesses. As part of our educational efforts, we organize facility tours, workshops, and provide online and printed resources. We also help projects locate technical and financial support. Contact us if you or your community could benefit from any of these services.


Our Advisors

A number of public and private entities and individuals provide assistance, advice, and perspective. Included are state and federal agencies, educational institutions, regional planning groups, municipal officials, foresters, manufacturers, wood suppliers, wood energy experts, facility managers, and environmental organizations. The SWET is grateful for the assistance of these advisors, but assistance rendered does not imply approval or endorsement of any particular action, project, initiative, or decision taken by the Statewide Wood Energy Team or the Massachusetts Forest Alliance unless specifically stated otherwise.