Fire Danger is Extremely High – Be Very Careful in the Woods
The extended dry conditions this fall have made woodlands in Massachusetts tinderboxes, ready to catch fire at the slightest spark.
A Tree Farm is a woodland that is managed to grow forest products, protect important resources and wildlife habitats, while safeguarding our environment.
People worldwide have heated with wood for thousands of years. New Englanders are no exception and have long depended on native forests to provide wood for warmth. But set aside old images of the inefficient fireplace and smoking wood stove. New technology has made wood burning appliances a truly modern way to use this traditional fuel.
The Massachusetts Forest Alliance represents and advocates on behalf of forest landowners, industry professionals, businesses, and others who support a strong, sustainable forest economy in the Commonwealth. MFA works on a variety of policy initiatives, including tax programs, property zoning, modern wood heat, forest management, and many more regulations that affect our membership.
The extended dry conditions this fall have made woodlands in Massachusetts tinderboxes, ready to catch fire at the slightest spark.
The Forest Alliance will hold a Wood Producers Council Meeting on Thursday, November 21, at the Bluebonnet Banquet Hall in Northampton from 4:30 to 8:40 pm.
Private and municipal landowners of conserved lands can apply for grant funding to support active habitat management projects that benefit wildlife and enhance outdoor recreation opportunities. MassWildlife’s Habitat Management Grant Program (MHMGP) provides financial assistance for projects that:
The Massachusetts Forest Alliance is the leading organization representing forest landowners and industry professionals in Massachusetts. MFA works tirelessly on your behalf to advocate for a strong, sustainable forest economy.
In addition to representing the forest community at the state and local levels, MFA offers educational seminars and continuing education workshops for landowners and industry professionals. Topics often center around forestry practices, regulation, and policy.
Each level of membership receives the following benefits:
Individual/Family/Professional Membership Application
Thank you for your generosity.
Stay tuned for information about our 2018-2019 Annual Fund Campaign!
Please note: The Massachusetts Forest Alliance is a recognized 501(c) (6) not-for-profit advocacy organization. Contributions to the Massachusetts Forest Alliance are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions. For information on how to make a tax-deductible gift, please contact our office.