Cost Benefits of Voluntary Forest Carbon Projects: an Online Tool for Landowner Decision Support webinar

December 12, 2024 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Michigan State University

What are the costs and benefits to landowners for changing harvest strategies in their woodlands when considering enrolling in a forest carbon project?

Michigan State’s Forest Carbon & Climate Program will host a Cost Benefits of Voluntary Forest Carbon Projects: an Online Tool for Landowner Decision Support webinar on December 12th from 3 to 4 pm ET.

In this webinar, Dr. Pokhare from Michigan State will demonstrate and present an on-demand web-based tool for landowners to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of changing harvest strategies by quantifying subsequent changes in merchantable timber and biogenic carbon using simple forest stand metrics to provide users with estimates of potential costs and payments of enrolling land in a voluntary carbon project.

To take part in this webinar, register at Webinar Registration – Zoom