DCR Landscape Designations & Management Guidelines public meeting

September 8, 2022 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Mass Wildlife Field Headquarters
1 Rabbit Hill Road
Department of Conservation & Recreation

The Department of Conservation & Recreation will hold a public meeting on the review assessment of the DCR Landscape Designations & Management Guidelines on September 8th at the Mass Wildlife Field Headquarters at 1 Rabbit Hill Road in Westborough from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

DCR is holding a series of public meetings to discuss its 2012 DCR Landscape Designations and Management Guidelines, to provide feedback on the review assessment, incorporate feedback on evolving climate concerns, and discuss designations for properties acquired since 2012.

As part of a visioning process more than a decade ago, DCR classified its forestland into three categories: Parklands (park-like facilities designed for heavy recreation use), Woodlands (where active forest management could be used), and Reserves (with no active forest management except in limited circumstances). Slightly less than 40% of state forestland was classified as Woodlands, while 60% was classified as Parklands or Reserves.

Read the 163-page document outlining the designations here.

There will be 5 opportunities for the public to participate in live meetings, presenting the same material in each. These meetings include 3 online times and 2 in-person meetings.

DCR will also host a public field walk at Otter River State Forest on September 12th at 4 pm, where staff will describe the impact these landscape designations and management guidelines have in setting.

For the field walk, register at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtdO6upj4iGNTpRShv6Yrtof4Lh9btCOdw   before Thursday, September 8th and you will be emailed instructions on how to join the field walk on Friday, September 9th.