The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service will hold a Hydrology, Geology, and Biology of Springs webinar on March 23rd at 2 pm EST
This webinar will discuss the ecological functions of springs and implications for planning spring developments.
NRCS’ Spring Development Practice Standard criteria include conducting a site evaluation of the effects on existing ecological functions of the spring and potential losses from the development, including effects of the impoundment and/or diversion of spring water on local wildlife and wildlife habitat, and the effects of consumptive use on riparian health and function, stream flow, water temperature, and local aquifer recharge.
This webinar, presented by Karen Fullen, Jo Johnson, & Jon Fripp from NRCS and Zach Freed from The Nature Conservancy will give participants an introduction to spring ecology and ecological functions to help meet this requirement.
To take part in this webinar, register at