Oak Wilt webinar

July 8, 2020 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Rachel McCarthy
607 255-7871

The First Detector Program will hold an Oak Wilt webcast on July 8th from 12:30 to 1:30 pm EDT.

The First Detector webcasts help participants improve their identification and diagnostic skills to help them better recognize and identify invasive pests, and how to report them. In this webcast, Brett Arenz from the University of Minnesota will explain how to identify symptoms of Oak Wilt

First Detector, a program of the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN), equips a nationwide network of individuals to rapidly detect and report the presence of invasive, exotic plant pathogens and arthropods. Since 2003, more than 17,500 participants have attended First Detector training sessions, and programs have been offered in all 50 states and each U.S. territory.

Early discovery is imperative for eradicating or controlling the spread of invasive species, and First Detectors play an essential role in this. As an invasive species’ population increases and spreads undetected, the resources necessary to combat its further spread increase exponentially and the likelihood of eradication approaches impossible. With international trade and travel accelerating the frequency of exotic pest introductions, we need as many people as possible monitoring for new pests so we can detect their presence early and reduce their total impact on our economy and environment.

For more information, see www.firstdetector.org

To take part in the Oak Wilt webcast, go to https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0pRon83nSaWczHLdfmOy_g