Online Advertising Tools & Takeaways

December 8, 2020 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Vermont Maple Conference

The Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association and University of Vermont Extension will hold the 2020 Vermont Maple Conference Week online this year from Sunday, December 6th to Friday, December 11th.  The Conference will feature 16 interactive online sessions directed at all levels of sugar makers, no matter the number of taps or years in operation.

You can find the full conference flyer with session presenters and descriptions on the VMSMA website here:

The Vermont Maple Conference will hold a session on Online Advertising Tools & Takeaways on December 8th from 5 to 6 pm.

Advertising your business online can often seem overwhelming if you don’t know where to start and what you’re trying to accomplish.  Zac Smith & Mike Lannen, will explain how to set tangible goals, start small, and expand your online advertising with a variety of tools.

Registration is required, but FREE this year! Participants need to register for each individual session they want to attend. Once registered, they will be emailed a link specific to that session (for phone or computer access).  All sessions will be recorded so they can be watched (with captioning) at a later date.