Understanding Deer, Deer Impact Issues & Deer Management webinar

March 25, 2021 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
$20 - $35
Penn State Extension

Penn State Extension will hold a 3 part, 6 hour Deer Impact Assessment & Mitigation Summit webinar series in late March and early April.

White-tailed deer are an integral component of our regional ecosystem, but the effects of deer in vegetated landscapes represents a significant factor influencing the work of natural resource managers when regenerating and establishing diverse forests, rehabilitating degraded sites, creating desired habitat conditions, and achieving other land management objectives. The Deer Impact Assessment and Mitigation Summit series will offer a roundup of current knowledge, practices, and strategies for understanding, defining, measuring, and mitigating deer impact in natural resource management. Each of three successive program sessions offers multiple expert presentations followed by a facilitated question-and-answer period involving the full panel of speakers.

The Summit will include three sessions, each from noon to 2 pm ET.

March 25th                 Understanding Deer, Deer Impact Issues & Deer Management

March 30th                 Assessing & Measuring Deer Impacts on the Landscape

April 1st                       Mitigating Deer Impacts in Natural Resource Management

Cost to attend the webinars is $20 to $35.

In the March 25th webinar, Understanding Deer, Deer Impact Issues & Deer Management, David Stainbrook, Bret Wallingford, Duane Diefenbach, and Kip Adams will discuss the context for current conditions regarding deer and deer effects in the region; how we got to where we are today; how deer affect and interact with the landscape; current trends, issues, and management approaches.

To take part in this webinar, register at https://web.cvent.com/event/d2423a05-7eaa-4756-9dbf-3b0bf773301c/summary?locale=en-US&i=YqIhvOw5Rk-HFfBu8VO5Rw

For any questions, contact Sarah Wurzbacher, Penn State forestry extension educator, at sjw246@psu.edu