What Is Climate-Smart Forestry? webinar

September 11, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Yale Forest Forum

Climate-smart forestry has become a buzzword across the forestry sector and beyond.

The Yale Forest Forum will hold a What Is Climate-Smart Forestry?  webinar on September 11th from Noon to 12:50 pm ET.  The webinar will be presented by Steve McNulty from the USDA Forest Service.

This webinar is part of a 10-part Monday webinar series from the Yale Forest Forum where practitioners and researchers will explain how they put climate-smart forestry into practice.

They will also discuss how forests can be managed to enhance their carbon storage capabilities and/or increase their resilience to the impacts of climate.

Webinars will be held on Mondays starting September 11th from Noon to 12:50 pm ET.

The series is jointly hosted by The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment, the USDA Northeast Climate Hub, and the USDA Southeast Climate Hub, and co-sponsored by the Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture.

To take part in this series, register at https://yale.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WIfrfZAjR4qVEvmB_MfOVQ#/registration