Woodcock & Snipe Walkabout

April 20, 2022 @ 5:30 pm – 7:45 pm
Norman Brown property
683 Owls Head Hwy (Route 115) Jefferson
NH 03583
Matt Tarr

The American Woodcock is considered a wildlife species in greatest need of conservation in the New Hampshire Wildlife Action Plan. The “singing fields”, roosting fields, and wet thickets that woodcock need also benefit many other wildlife species and you might be able to create or maintain these habitats on property you own or manage.

UNH Extension will hold a Woodcock & Snipe Walkabout at the Brown property in Jefferson NH on April 20th from 5:30 to 7:45 pm.

UNH Cooperative Extension Forestry & Wildlife Specialists Matt Tarr and Jim Frohn, NH Fish and Game Biologist Jake DeBow, and Forester Dave Govatski will lead the tour of Norman Brown’s property where a brontosaurus mowing project was recently completed to maintain young forest habitat for Woodcock and other wildlife.

We will enjoy a slow walk and talk on the property and then watch and listen for the twilight aerial courtship display of this amazing migratory bird. After we’ve observed Woodcock, we will make a short 5 minute drive to a nearby property to listen to the equally amazing aerial display of Wilson’s Snipe.

A short pre-recorded presentation on Woodcock & Snipe Identification and Ecology will be provided for workshop participants to watch prior to attending this workshop.  

Register: email Matt Tarr at matt.tarr@unh.edu.