March is Maple Month!

March is Maple Month!

It is Maple Season in Massachusetts – the sweetest time of the year!

March is the month when sap flows into buckets and tubing on maple trees, steam billows into the sky in late afternoon and evening, and the first sweet crop of spring is produced at sugarhouses around Massachusetts. More than 300 sugaring operations in the Commonwealth turn maple sap into syrup, maple sugar, and maple candy in a 400 year old tradition.

Sap is running and sugarmakers around the state are producing pure maple syrup. Many sugarhouses are open and selling products, and some are offering tours and lessons on how maple syrup is made.

Check out the map and directory at, and call ahead to find out if your local sugarhouse is welcoming visitors or boiling that day.

To learn more about maple sugaring, see

This year’s ceremonial first tapping ceremony will be held at Severance’s Sugar House on Pierson Road in Northfield at 9 am on March 1st.

The weekend of March 17th & 18th is Maple Weekend in Massachusetts when more than 30 sugarhouses are open for visitors.  To check if a sugarhouse near you is welcoming visitors, see