Wood Producers Council Meeting in Northampton November 21st

Wood Producers Council Meeting in Northampton November 21st

The Forest Alliance will hold a Wood Producers Council Meeting on Thursday, November 21, at the Bluebonnet Banquet Hall in Northampton from 4:30 to 8:40 pm.

The meeting is sponsored by CJ Logging Equipment.

Registration and social hour begins at 4:30 pm, followed by the Bluebonnet’s famous buffet dinner at 5:30 pm. The meeting itself begins at 6:15 pm and runs until 8:30 pm.

The cost for the meeting is $40 for current MFA members, and $50 for non-members. Foresters, timber harvesters, forest landowners, MFA members and prospective members are all welcome to attend.

Here are some highlights of the meeting:

  • A special focus will be on DCR’s Climate Stewardship Incentive Program (C-SIP) and Timber Mat Program, both of which are back for the current fiscal year. DCR staff will collect feedback from the pilot-testing of these programs in the spring, talk about tweaks and changes in the programs this year, and explain how they work and answer questions.
  • A legislative and regulatory presentation – covering pending legislation and new regulations.
  • A discussion of new trucking regulations that could impact timber harvesters and truckers.
  • A discussion of taxes on incentive payments, and how to structure deductions to limit or avoid taxes on incentive payments.
  • Various market updates from assorted timber harvesters/sawmill speakers.

The meeting has been approved for 2.25 Mass Forester licensing credits in Category I,1.0 Connecticut Forest Practitioner credits, and 2.25 Mass Timber Harvester licensing credits

You can register online for the meeting – here’s how the online registration process works – fill out the form and click submit. If you’re registering more than one person, click “Submit Another Response” on the next screen and enter their information. Once you’ve registered all people in your party, move to the payment screen and enter how many people you are paying for (make sure you pay for all attendees!).

Click here to register online.

Should you have any issues, contact Chris Egan at cegan@massforestalliance.org or 617-645-1191.

We’ve also created a paper form that can be mailed in with a check, if you prefer. That was mailed to all current MFA members and some past members – if you haven’t received it, you should shortly. Or you can download it by clicking here, print it out, fill it out, and mail it in. Note that the paper forms must be received in our office by Monday, November 18.

We hope to see you at the Wood Producer Council Meeting!