Reading the Forested Landscape Program

April 28, 2018 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Northfield Mountain Environmental Center
99 Millers Falls Road
$10 - $27
Northfield Mountain Environmental Center
800 859-2960

Tom Wessels, is a forest ecologist, amazing educator and author of Reading the Forested Landscape and Forest Forensics: A Field Guide to Reading the Forested Landscape.

Tom’s approach is similar to gleaning a crime scene for evidence.  Using clues such as the shapes of trees, scars on their trunks, the pattern of decay in stumps, the construction of stone walls, and the lay of the land, it is possible to unravel complex stories etched into our forested landscape.

We will begin indoors with a slide presentation and then head outside on Northfield’s trails to explore the landscape with new eyes.  Join Tom for this program that takes natural history from the species level to the landscape level.

Cost is $27 per person, $10 for indoor session only (1 – 2:30).  Pre-register by calling 800-859-2960