150 Centre Pike
The Yale Forest School will hold a free Sap Collection: Tubing System Installation and Sap Storage workshop at the Yale-Myers Forest in Eastford, Connecticut on Saturday, October 22nd, from 9 am to noon.
This workshop will introduce both new and experienced sugarmakers to sap collection.
The workshop will focus on how to layout, install, and maintain a proper tubing system in your sugarbush.
Participants will gain experience installing maple mainline and lateral lines, while becoming familiar with multiple types of tools used in the process.
9 am Welcome & introductions to the Yale Forest maple program
9:15 am Walkthrough of tubing components
9:30 am Mainline installation
10:45 am Lateral line installation
11:45 – Noon Wrap-up, evaluations, and adjourn
This workshop will be held at Yale-Myers Forest – 150 Centre Pike in Eastford, CT. The workshop will be held rain or shine
This workshop has been approved for 1.5 credits for CT Certified Foresters