Jamie Dammann Named 2022 Lambert Award Winner

Jamie Dammann Named 2022 Lambert Award Winner

Forester James Dammann of Hillsborough, New Hampshire has recently been named as the 2022 winner of the John H. Lambert Forest Stewardship Award by the Massachusetts Forest Alliance.  

The Lambert Award, named after former state forester Jack Lambert who was its first recipient, is MFA’s highest honor, awarded for lifetime achievement in stewardship of woodlands in Massachusetts and efforts to improve the climate for forestry in Massachusetts.

Jamie received his Masters in Forestry degree from the University of New Hampshire. As a procurement forester for the Pinetree Power Plant in Westminster, he developed strong relationships with foresters and timber harvesters. The wood fuel market provided a market for renewable fiber that made timber stand improvement on thousands of acres of woodland in the Commonwealth economical.

Jamie was instrumental in the creation of the Forest Alliance in 2012, when it joined three formerly separate and sometimes conflicting organizations of wood producers, foresters and forest landowners to provide a unified voice for forestry and those involved in the forest community in Massachusetts.

Charles Thompson, vice-president of MFA said “Jamie has been a creative, loyal and hardworking board member of MFA for the past 10 years. He has been instrumental in fundraising, program development and in matters of forest policy. He is a consistent source of new ideas and participates faithfully in almost all aspects of MFA’s work. He’s collaborative and thoughtful.”

“ It has never been easy for the people who own and actually work in the woods to have input into policies which affect their woodlands and their occupations; Since its founding, MFA has made some progress in that area, and no one is more responsible for enabling that than Jamie.”

Dammann has served as the Alliance’s treasurer since its founding, and has been its most effective fundraiser because he knows so many people in the Massachusetts forest community.