Looking for Funding for a Habitat Project?

Looking for Funding for a Habitat Project?

Private and municipal landowners of conserved lands can apply for grant funding to support active habitat management projects that benefit wildlife and enhance outdoor recreation opportunities. MassWildlife’s Habitat Management Grant Program (MHMGP) provides financial assistance for projects that:

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Woods Emergencies Workshops in April & May

Woods Emergencies Workshops in April & May

Do you know what to do if someone gets hurt in the woods?  Do you carry emergency supplies to treat an injury?  How will you call for help?  How will emergency responders find you?  Can they get an ambulance to

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March is Maple Month!

March is Maple Month!

It is Maple Season in Massachusetts – the sweetest time of the year!

March is the month when sap flows into buckets and tubing on maple trees, steam billows into the sky in late afternoon and evening, and the first

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